As the Washington Football team gears up for another season by defining roles and responsibilities. Amidst that organization, ESPN defines the role of most versatile player to be safety JoJo McIntosh
The Washington Football team is preparing for a challenging 2017 season. As such, the team is looking to players to step up this year and lead by example. Safety Jojo McIntosh is one such player. In fact, ESPN has already named him as the most versatile Washington Football player in 2017.
So what is the most versatile player, and why Jojo McIntosh?
The easiest answer is simply a player with such a diverse skillset that they can player multiple positions proficiently. A versatile offensive lineman can play center, guard, and/or tackle. A versatile defensive lineman can play tackle or end. In the end, it’s the player who does more for the team than a single positional definition.
Swiss-Army Knife Safety
So how does JoJo McIntosh rate such a high distinction? Will he play safety, linebacker, and pass rusher for the team?

Autzen Zoo
Perhaps, but all from the safety position. You see, in the ESPN article, they acknowledge that McIntosh is a safety through and through. But in their view, he is a safety who thumps like a linebacker.
So if you have a safety who can hit like a linebacker, as they suggest, why not crowd him closer to the box?
At 6-foot-1 and 209 pounds, McIntosh does indeed bring a heavy load to the tackle. It was this fact that landed him 101st on Chad Reuter’s top 150 NCAA players.
He not only tackles ball carriers, he obliterates them. And it is regardless of the size. Like a heat seeking missile, he zeroes in and just drops the runner/receiver in his tracks.
In key game situations, time and again whenever the receiver or ball carrier seemed to have found the lane to daylight, if number 14 was near it never happened
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There certainly are questions about the Washington Football team this year. After all, three defensive backs departed as highly regarded prospects to the NFL. But those questions also include just how good can this defense be? And regarding JoJo McIntosh, he is already itching to answer that question.