Small Forward Micheal Porter Jr. follows Blake Harris, Asking to Pull His National Letter of Intent From University of Washington Huskies. But…
Once more, a prospective 2017 Men’s basketball player is seeking to pull his 2017 National Letter of Intent from the University of Washington Huskies. Point guard Blake Harris pulled his letter on March 22, 2017. Now, Michael Porter Jr. has asked for his release as well.
2017 prospect Michael Porter Jr. tells reporters that he will ask for a release of his NLI from Washington. Recruitment will be reopened.
— Jon Rothstein (@JonRothstein) March 22, 2017
By now, this should surprise nobody. Last week, we covered the reports that the future of Michael Porter Jr. following his father to the University of Missouri may have forced the dismissal of head coach Lorenzo Romar.
Package Deal
There was more than a coincidental cause and effect to the University of Washington hiring Michael Porter Sr. as an assistant coach, and the commitment of his two sons, Michael Porter Jr. and Jontay Porter. While Michael Porter Jr. had signed his 2017 National Letter of Intent to attend the University of Washington, Jontay Porter had only made a verbal commitment. On March 18, Jontay Porter reverse that commitment.
Is there more to the story? While Michael Porter Junior is earnest seeking to pull his NLI, he is wisely not burning bridges via social media.
But notice the caveat. Michael Porter Jr. has not taken the University of Washington Huskies off the list.