The Morning Haul: 9/20

So, I went skydiving yesterday. I even survived, which was pretty cool. My friends and I figured that considering we’re about to embark on our metaphorical leap into adulthood by starting college, it was fitting to also take a literal jump out of an airplane.

If you are sort of on the edge about whether or not you’d enjoy skydiving, I would definitely suggest going for it. For one, entering free fall does not feel like you’re dropping, such as maybe a Tower of Terror style thrill ride. Obviously you’re falling, but it feels a lot more like the intense, straight up speed of a fast roller coaster than it does like any ride that might upset the stomach.

It was also nice to see how crazy professional the whole affair is, at least at Skydive Snohomish. When you’re strapped to your instructor, they go over every strap with you several times before and during the flight, confirming out loud that everything is secure.

Also, it’s comforting that you have no real responsibility to do much of anything. All that is asked of you is to assume the classic legs and arms up, belly down skydiving position once you’re falling, and that when you are about to land with your parachute deployed, that you keep your legs up so the instructor touches ground first. You can’t mess it up, so even if you get stressed or panic, there’s nothing to worry about.

Not to mention the fact that free falling from 13,000 feet is a really, really good time.

Also, Husky sports…

Stories Especially Worth Reading:

I’m pretty disheartened to read that just under 52,000 tickets have been sold for the Stanford game on the 27th. I understand that it’s a Thursday, so it’s tough for people to make the game work for their schedules. I’m certainly not excited about the idea of going to class the next day. But it’s still just a bummer. I just assumed the game would be near capacity.

Todd Dybas of the News Tribune has begun breaking down plays from the Washington playbook, and the result has been two really great articles. This one takes a look at the inside screen, while this one covers the throwback screen.

Also, if you’re ever surprised at the lack of in depth recruiting links here, it is 100% due to the fact that I will not link to subscription based sites in the morning haul. As a reader, I was always incredibly irritated when I clicked on a link only to find that I couldn’t read the story without paying money. I’m not trying to take a shot at Rivals or Scout, they are full of great information. I just won’t be sending you to their subscription-only stories.