Holding Me Accountable: How Did I Do In My Pre-season Predictions?

In October, I made my predictions of how the season would turn out for the Huskies in the non-conference portion of the season and in the conference season. Always one to be held accountable for my actions, now it is time to see how close I was:

12-NovGeorgia StateWW
13-NovFlorida AtlanticWW
20-Novat Saint LouisWL
25-NovHouston BaptistWW
2-Decat NevadaLL
6-DecMarquette at NYCLL
10-DecDuke at NYCLL
16-DecUC Santa BarbaraWW
18-DecSouth Dakota StateWL
22-DecCal St. NorthridgeWW
10-JanSeattle U.WW
Non-conference Record9-37-5
29-DecOregon StateWW
5-Janat ColoradoLL
7-Janat UtahWW
15-JanWashington StateWW
26-Janat Arizona StateWW
28-Janat ArizonaLW
9-Febat OregonLL
12-Febat Oregon StateLW
16-FebArizona StateWW
25-Febat Washington StateWW
1-Marat USCWW
3-Marat UCLALL
Conference Record12-614-4
Final Record21-921-9

As you can see, I thought they would do better than they did in the non-conference part of the season. Although I knew (and stated as much in October) that  St. Louis was a possible trap game, I did not see the South Dakota State game coming. As for the conference part of the season, they did better than expected. Mostly it was because I figured Arizona would be better than they were. But, all in all, I ended up getting the overall record right. On a game-by-game basis, I missed on 6 of the 30 games, which gives me an 83.3% success rate. I guess that is good enough for a B-grade this season.