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The Morning Haul


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"If the Huskies are ever going to compete for a PAC-12 championship, the defense will have to rise to another level. There will be no shortage of quality candidates. Sark is considered one of the better head coaches to work for in the country and Washington has a lot of positive things going on in the program.Let’s take a look at a couple of possible candidates:"

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"Given the breadth and depth of shortcomings in a world of urgent gratification, the firings were probably necessary simply because the failures were so dramatic they can’t be marginalized. But any significant coaching changes with a month left before signing day is likely to be of little help."

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"Things are looking up at Washington, which anyone knows after watching soph­omore QB Keith Price’s perform­ance Thursday against Baylor and Robert Griffin III.The next wave includes Miles and fellow four-star Jeff Lindquist."

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"The Ducks weren’t expected to win this game, but losing by 16 points against a rival is not ideal to say the least. In fact, it’s borderline inexcusable, and Oregon looked dead offensively in this game. They were flat, and it showed when looking at their shooting percentages. It really seemed like only Ashaolu, Singler, and backup Jeremy Jacob came to play, and they were thoroughly beaten by the better team."

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"While Wroten has spent a good part of his athletic life being coddled, and point guard Abdul Gaddy has had confidence issues, Romar chose the team’s most easy-going player to bite the proverbial bullet this time."

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"“Point guards are judged by two things: Does the team win, and assist-to-turnover” ratio, Miller said. “Some great point guards score and others are great defenders. But to me, the stat that everybody keeps track of is how many assists do you have? How many turnovers? And are you on a winning team? We talk to our guys about that a lot.”"

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"By that time, there will be 12 Pac-12 vs. Big Ten arranged non-conference football games, part of an all-sports package basically owned by the two leagues. The conferences are adding content without all the pain created by realignment. More inventory means income and income means power conferences can be more islands unto themselves."

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"“We’ll have three top 10 teams who’ll all be well-regarded again next year, with lots of Heisman discussion. Every football game will be on national TV. It’s the biggest platform we’ve ever had, more coverage for the nation and the East Coast media. I’m an East Coast guy, so I want to give people the benefit of the doubt about East Coast bias. We’ve instead dealt with that by coming up with inventive ways to kick up our coverage.”"