Chris Polk to Enter NFL Draft

Joe Schad an ESPN National College Football reporter just tweeted that Chris Polk will enter the NFL Draft.

This is no surprise to most as Chris Polk has

been ready to play in the NFL since day 1 of this Husky season. He is an elite runner that also has the hands to catch out of the backfield. Polk was ready and as a running-back when backs are ready they need to go as soon as possible because of how short-lived the back position can be.

Chris Polk is 22 years old and has already graduated from the University of Washington (academically), thus the move even makes more sense for him to go now that he is ready.

ESPN all season has had him as one of the top backs for this year’s NFL Draft. Todd McShay has said that he will most likely be a second round pick but still one of the top backs taken off the board. has this report on him from November:

"A few of us here at NFLmocks really love Polk. He has good field vision, soft reliable hands. Polk does a really good job of finding seams in the offensive line and getting north and south in a hurry, he’s impossible to take down with arm tackles. Polk is also very shifty and has powerful legs. He really drives off his plant foot to create separation from the defender which helps him get a step on defenders. He doesn’t have elite speed, but he has more than enough speed to break long runs in the N.F.L. I don’t think he’s an 80 yard threat, but he could have more than his fair share of 40 plus yard runs. Polk has no character concerns but has some shoulder concerns."

The watch is now on, to see where he ends up going in the NFL Draft.