Halftime Comments- The thing that most impresses me is not Keith Prices amazing pa..."/> Halftime Comments- The thing that most impresses me is not Keith Prices amazing pa..."/>

Alamo Bowl Game Thread – First Half 35-24


Halftime Comments- The thing that most impresses me is not Keith Prices amazing patience and vision downfield. It’s not Chris Polk going over 100 yards already. It’s not even (although close) the 35 first half points. It is the defense! Seriously, after being picked alive in the 1st quarter for three touchdowns in typical Nick Holt defensive fashion, this defense made some critical adjustment. The secondary actually started covering Baylor’s recievers tight. The pass rush actually was finding seams against Baylor’s O-line, and they actually started getting on Robert Griffin III forcing him to scramble around within the pocket, not allowing him to break out to the sideline or look downfield. The MVP of the 2nd quarter was the Husky Defense! 3 points in the quarter? You’ll take that ANY game…

Halftime: 35-24

17:43- I don’t fault the prevent defense at the end of the half. You know RG3 could throw for a TD. So, why not give up 10 yards with so little time left and take your chances with the FG. 35-24

17:38- I was waiting for Polk to break one and he did it at an amazing time. Over 100 yards already? Polk might get the school record anyways! 35-21

17:35- Husky defense is really starting to put pressure on RG3 AND most impressively the secondary is providing tight coverage on the recievers to give the pass run time to get that pressure.

17:31- Whose your Heisman? That fake pass (well past the line of scrimmage) was absolutely rediculous! That Baylor guy was flying and then Price hopping into the end zone. RG3 who?

17:27- Did I mention I hate the Wildcat? Has it worked once this year? Callier played QB in high school. The Wildcat might be useful if he was a threat to throw, but he never gets that chance.

17:25- That 14 yard run by Polk is exactly why he needs to go to the NFL now. He has that special something, but you can only take too many of those hits in your career.

17:21- FUMBLE!!!! Nice hit and nicer recovery. Huskies could take the lead?

17:16- Movement. That’s what I have been preaching. On that short TD pass, they lined up in tradition run it up the gut by Polk formation. Instead, what do they do? Roll Price out, with Aguilar running parallel at the goal line, allowing Price the chance to choose between the pass or the run. He choose the pass and we are tied 21-21!

17:13- On the obvious run plays, Polk can’t get anywhere. On the movement plays, good things happen. Polk heading out into the flat or streaking downfield is going to work.

17:09- OMG a punt? And on that sack the secondary was on everyone. In the replay from behind, you could see the secondary was tight on everyone.

17:05- Wow, that last 1st down was an unusual set up. They go trips near right and then do a QB draw play. On the “illegal substitution” why take a 5 yard penalty rather than the fumble and loss of down? But, at least with the Huskies score, the pace has slowed and the defense has a bit more time to get settled down.

18:59- Huskies are selling the Polk runs too much. No play action. No wonder Baylor is all over him on normal runs. But, when there is movement, such as when Polk took out wide for screen pass and then on the Price roll out and pass for the TD, good things happen. 21-14

18:51- End of 1st quarter results in all-time Alamo Bowl record of 28 points and Baylor on pace for 1000 yards. Not good. 21-7.

18:47- That touchdown run epitomizes the Husky defense all season. They have the right call, they have the sack in hand with two players grabbing at (but not wrapping up the QB) and he simply pulls away and runs for the TD. Our tackling has been atrocious all season.

18:44- The pace seems to have slowed, but Baylor continues to advance the ball. But, three 4th and shorts have resulted in two conversions and a touchdown. Too bad Baylor doesn’t play by Canadian football rules of only 3 downs.

18:37- Wow, on 2nd down the secondary actually covered everyone and forced RG3 to run it. While they easily got the first down on the next play, and the play after that, that was at least encouraging for one play.

18:34- Baylor has the ball back already? Man, they will score 50 against our defense. Maybe this will get some heat on Holt to do a complete overhaul of his passing defensive schemes.

18:30- By the way, that was a block in the back by RG3 on that touchdown run. But, whatever, Heisman Trophy winners can do what they want. 14-7

18:26- This defense against Baylor can not just be about pressure on RG3. It has to be about coverage. RG3 is just too quick to expect to sack him too many times. You need to be on those recievers. Trufant did that on 2nd down. But, that 4th down was rediculous. Holt needs to figure out when his defense is not set up right.

18:22- Loved the vision by Price where he had the patience to watch the defenders spread left and right and then walk into the end zone! 7-7 already!

18:18- Nice first pass play where two recievers move into same area, both Baylor players converge on front player and Aguilar sneaks in behind them for a 50-yard gain.

18:14- The defensive line is getting pressure on RG3. But, the secondary is allowing every reciever to have plenty of room to catch it. Wide open every time. That touchdown was WAY too easy. Worst secondary in a bowl game this year.

18:09- It’s bad enough that the Huskies are playing the Heisman Trophy winner. But, why oh why does the secondary have to allow so many recievers to be completely wide open?

18:06- Here comes RG3. Let’s see if this secondary is ready. First play by Baylor was stupid. Never was going to work. But, despite good pursuit, that second play was a big time throw.

18:05- Huskies in all-whites. Wonder what you think of this look? Different, but I kind of like it.

18:00- Time to get this party started!

17:52- Bob Condotta wondered aloud whether the Husky fans were as excited about this game as last year. Maybe not in the days leading up, but I personally am suddenly feeling anxious for this to start, and I am not even playing. This IS a big deal tonight.

17:40- Just finished dinner and am now settling down on my laptop and desktop to watch the game and provide constant twitter and website updates on this game thread. Just got a few dishes to get washed real quick!

11:00- Here we are, the Alamo Bowl! The 7-5 Washington Huskies are taking on the 9-3 Baylor Bears in San Antonio, with the nation watching Heisman Trophy winner Robert Griffin III to see how many yards he can put up against the weak Washington passing defense. The key question is whether Coach Holt can devise a strategy to stop Baylor’s passing attack given three weeks to study film and practice it.

This game thread will constantly update throughout the game with my observations and comments. Since this game is happening simultaneously with the men’s basketball game against Oregon State, we are doing double coverage. I’ll update this thread and tweet during the game, while Mitchell Larsen is attending the Oregon State game at Hec Ed and will do a full write up to post tomorrow.

Go Huskies!