Good Morning!
Good Morning!

The Morning Haul


Good Morning!

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"Less than a week after he was suspended in part for being late to a team meeting, UCLA’s Reeves Nelson missed the team bus to Los Angeles International Airport on Saturday for the Bruins’ flight to Hawaii."

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"Alejandro Maldonado is not yet a saint, but I would like to nominate him for sainthood, if I may. Sure, he may not play the role of your typical saint. He has not saved an entire people. He has not proven to be more than human. He has not gone on a hunger strike, or quelled a jihad, or even negotiated for world peace. But you know what Maldonado has done for all of us? He has made so, so many people happy. Just…happy."

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"The Huskies only managed 10 assists today, while committing 16 turnovers, highlighting the struggles UW had in developing their offense. The Dawgs did not move the ball well and this led to players forcing shots as the shot clock dwindled. The Huskies need to really develop a half court offense when the tempo just isn’t playing out in their traditional, fast manner."

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"Romar was, however, pleased that his players adjusted after halftime.“We did a much better job in the second half,” he said. “We learned.”He praised Wroten’s ability to recover with a strong second half.“He’s had his way with defenses in entire life,” Romar said. “But at this level they load up on you. He made a good adjustment. It gave me confidence that in our next road game, we’ll handle it better.”"

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"Wulff said that Marshall Lobbestael will be the starter and David Gilbertson, the son of former UW head coach Keith Gilbertson, will be the back-up. Jeff Tuel, who is still recovering from the a broken clavicle and acute compartment syndrome, will not play."

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"He stayed overnight in the intensive care unit and is expected to remain in the hospital for another 48 hours.A liver laceration is not an uncommon injury and can occur due to blunt force trauma, according to numerous medical sources. But it is uncommon for a football player, especially when, as in Halliday’s case, there was no corresponding rib injury."