Husky Fans Speak: Stanford


This is a trial version of a series of posts called “Husky Fans Speak” where YOU can voice your opinions, thoughts, and predictions about the upcoming game.

This week it is the Washington Huskies versus the Stanford Cardinal

Mitchell Larsen (@MLarsen_Rivals) says:

"As a fan I think UW can pull it off and I think they have every reason to be confident going into Stanford and winning. As a non-biased writer though, I don’t know that the Huskies have enough to win. I think it’s going to be anyone’s game and if the Huskies force TWO turnovers, they win. That’s my prediction."

“Sarkisianity” (@Sarisianity) says:

"I think we struggle to move the ball at first, but adjust and put up between 28-35 points. IMHO though, THE key to the game is getting pressure on [Andrew] Luck. [Alameda] Ta’amu needs to collapse that pocket and let Shirley and Co go to work. If that happens, we win."

Bill Jarrell (@huskyfan21) says:

"[Huskies] will have a chance to will in the 4th quarter."

Daniel Smith (@mrsmith3701) offers some advice to the Huskies:

"1.Use all 3 rb’s 2.not trick plays but go into the playbook prevent D 4. Get to luck!! With hits, sacks, or int!!"

Jeff Taylor (@huskylenz):

"I am torn on this game, as I mentioned on my weekly picks. Stanford hasplayed a weak schedule, so it is hard to tell just how good they are. Thekey though is their track record of last year. Washington is clearlyimproved on both offense and defense from last year. Can Washington givethem a game? Yes, I think so. Can Washington win it? Possibly. But, couldStanford absolutely dominate our weak secondary with smash-mouth footballand three tight end alignments? Absolutely. I literally could see anythingfrom a 30-point Stanford win to 14-point Washington victory. But, in theend I think you have to err on the side of Stanford, being at home andwith Andrew Luck."

The Dawg Dude (@TheDawgDude) says:

"While I expect UW to put a major dent in Stanford’s sterling defensive stats (5th in the nation at 11 points allowed per game, 2nd with 59 rushing yards allowed), I have a hard time believing the Huskies will score more points than the Cardinal.  Their physical offensive line, trio of athletic tight ends, and that dude who used to have the rockin’ beard (Luck, is it?) combine for a serious offensive attack that will push the Dawgs to the limit.  Washington has a shot if they can dominate the turnover battle and make some big plays on special teams, and there is a chance that Stanford will be stunned by the uptick in competition this week, but I just don’t see Andrew Luck crumbling under the pressure (of which there probably won’t be much… he’s been sacked twice all year).  I don’t want to, but I have to call it Stanford 41, Washington 31."

 You can still contribute to this by emailing  or commenting below! Thanks for all who contributed.