Site Updates


Here at the Husky Haul we have done some things to upgrade the site and we are working on some others. Here are the 4 things you may want to know about:

  1. Droid App: There is a new droid app available for you to download. Find it by searching “Husky Haul”. The iPhone app is hopefully following shortly. They have a more grueling process for getting apps approved and submitted.
  2. New Comment System: Husky Haul has upgraded the comment system since the last one was difficult and sometimes had problems. We are running through livefyre now and thus you can either create a livefyre account (which is easy), post using facebook, twitter, google, linkedin, or open id. This is a nice and a much needed upgrade.
  3. A podcast may be in the works. Stay tuned for this.
  4. LOGO: This one is something I need help with, we are going to be taking submissions to upgrade our logo. PLEASE SUBMIT A LOGO DESIGN TO HUSKYHAUL@GMAIL.COM. We would love to upgrade our logo and I am sure there are a few of you out there that have the talents to make this happen.

Thanks and keep checking