Aaron Dotson to Transfer, Sets Sights on the Pac-12

Aaron Dotson, a 6-4 guard out of Rainier Beach High School in Seattle, has officially declared for transfer out of LSU and is looking to find a home in the Pac-12 but hasn’t ruled out other options.

I spoke with Aaron Dotson yesterday and was able to get a little behind the scene scoop on his plans for transferring. Dotson primarily wants out of LSU so he can be closer to home. His mom is fighting cancer and Dotson wants to be close enough to her and to his family. However, he still wants to play in a Major Conference like the Pac-12.

He said, he hasn’t spoken with any teams yet because his official transfer had yet to happen.

I asked him if he had narrowed down the school choices at all and he said he was open to anything. However, he laughed about the rumors of him going to Seattle University. He told me that was not going to happen.

He plans to begin talking with schools today after the word gets out of his transfer, he is looking to Pac-12 schools first and when asked if he would play for UW he said, “I wouldn’t mind.”

Would UW have any interest in him? Maybe, but he would have to sit out a year because of the transfer between DIV-1 schools. He could be useful a year from now at the guard position. However, it would use up their last scholarship they have lingering unless this news changes their plans with either Andrew Andrews or Kevin Davis.

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