State of the Blog


A bunch of readers have asked lately, so I want to give a better explanation than I did last time as to why you aren’t seeing as much here at Montlake Madness.

The short answer is that I simply haven’t got as much time at this point to write.

The longer answer is that I started the blog over a period of time when things were pretty predictable in most areas of my life. Building the site up from nothing, to single-digit readership, to hundreds, to over a thousand members of the Montlake Madness community is something I’m incredibly proud of. But, to every thing there is a season. . .

Without sharing more than you really want to hear, I haven’t got as much time lately, one of the reasons being the very happy development that I’m going to be a dad later this year.

I wish I could say that the daily, or more regular, coverage you’ve come to expect here would pick up again at some point, but I don’t know if that’s the case. The season will be over in the next few weeks, and by the time we tip again for the 2010/2011 season, I’m going to have a much more important pre-7-AM (my normal writing time) appointment than the blog.

On the other hand, I do love what I’ve built here and I don’t want it to evaporate into the ether. I truly love the community of readers we’ve built. I love hearing your thoughts in our comments section, and in the polls we sometimes put out there. And, I love that we’ve got another free site covering the most awesome college basketball team in the world.

So, here’s the deal: For the time being, I’m going to continue writing when I am able to. Moving forward, though, the best case scenario for the site would be for me to hand the daily care of Montlake Madness over to someone else, hopefully still leaving the door open for me to write when I get a chance.

If you think you might be the right torch-carrier for Montlake Madness, please get in touch with me and let’s talk:

If I’ve disappointed some of you recently, I’m truly sorry for that. It’s been a great time and if I have anything to say about it, we’ll keep it going here somehow.

As always, thanks for coming!