MBA was dominant playing for the UK’s Under-20 team during Summer 2008, but his early season injury last year may have contributed to slowing the momentum he gained playing with his countrymates.
I had a chance to ask Sam Neter, a former British baller who now runs the hoops website called “Ball Don’t Brawl,” which does in-depth coverage of UK hoops, how MBA stacks up against other prospects in Great Britain. I thought his answer was interesting:
"Right now, MBA is likely the UK’s best basketball prospect (prospect being defined as “someone who is yet to be earning money playing” a.k.a an amateur). He has athleticism that is rarely seen over on this side of the pond, mixed with the skills and size that make him an unstoppable force in British basketball events such as Midnight Madness (which features only under-23 players). He has the hopes of many British basketball fans being carried on his shoulders and I believe he has the ability to not only meet, but exceed those hopes and expectations."
I thought it was interesting to hear where MBA ranks from someone who’s seen how he competes when he’s back home.
Thanks for coming!