Interview with Class of 2011's Byron Wesley

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Had a chance to catch up recently with Byron Wesley, a 2011 recruit linked to UW by both and A consensus top-100 player, we even covered Byron in our State of the 2011 Recruiting Class column.

Unfortunately, it became apparent pretty quickly when we talked that if he winds up playing in the Pac-10 it will likely be as an opponent of the Dawgs.

Byron, however, proved to have a great head on his shoulders and is a much better communicator than most 16-year-old kids, so we talked a bit about the process, and he provided some interesting insights.

Montlake Madness: Introduce yourself as a player. What kind of game do you have?

Byron Wesley: I’m 6’5, about 195 pounds. I am pretty athletic — not crazy athletic, though. I am a two guard, and my best attributes are probably my defense, rebounding, and ability to score. And, I can also shoot the ball.

MM: I’m sure you’re hearing from a lot of schools right now. Who’s really set themselves apart with their effort to get to know you?

BW: Right now, my top schools are USC, Wake Forest, UNLV, Utah, Pepperdine, and Harvard.

MM: And, you’ve been in contact with all of them?

BW: Yeah. I have talked to them on the phone a lot. And many schools have been coming to my school and watching me work out.

MM: How much does playing time factor into your decision? And how much are coaches willing to promise as far as that goes?

BW: Playing time is probably the biggest factor in me making my decision. I want to go to a school that needs what I can do, so I will have the chance to get on the court. And a couple of coaches have already talked to me about me being able to step in and get a lot of playing time.

MM: Do coaches ever promise things like a starting role?

BW: The USC coach has, and really talked to me about guys leaving and me being able to fill their positions.

MM: Is that coach O’Neill?

BW: Yes. He came to my school last week. He’s actually been twice, and offered.

MM: Do you anticipate making a decision soon?

BW: I honestly don’t know yet. I want to weigh my options, but at the same time, I want to get this college stuff over with, so I can just focus on getting better.

MM: Is Washington on your radar?

BW: They haven’t been in touch at all.

MM: Any idea why both and have UW listed as a possibility for you?

BW: I don’t know. They used to send me letters freshman year, but it just stopped.

MM: Who’s the best player you’ve ever played against?

BW: Darren Collison. He used to go to my high school, so he came up to open gym before he left for the pros.

MM: What’s the worst part about being a highly-recruited baller?

BW: Probably the stress of choosing a college. Along with all the calls everyday from coaches. It gets tiring after a while.

MM: What do you like to do when you’re not in school and not on the court?

BW: I like to be a regular kid. Play Playstation 3. (laughs) Hang out with my friends, and go to the movies, malls, etc.

Thanks to Byron for being such a good sport, and thank you all for coming!