Lil' Dentmon; B-Roy's Shout-Out; Clarence Trent's Domination

lil dentmon big dentmon copy
Just three quick notes on another ridiculously hot day in Seattle: /

Obviously, it’s a little early to be thinking about the heir apparent to Abdul Gaddy, but it looks like Justin Dentmon’s brother, Illinois high school junior-to-be Bruce Barron, is starting to make a name for himself.  He’s a more traditional point guard than his brother, and taller at 6’3″. Too early, of course, to know whether Barron is someone the Huskies should be looking at, but it’s always nice to think about bringing in players that have a connection to the program.

Brandon Roy gives the Huskies a shout-out in his new Nike commercial. (Actually, he gives “purple” the shout, but the implication is clear.)  The sneakers look a little clownish to me, but there’s a reason I’m not writing about footwear. Nice to see B-Roy continue to remember where he comes from.

The readers have spoken, and they’ve spoken loudly: Clarence Trent is dominating the first-ever Montlake Madness Slam Dunk Contest, but voting is open for another day. Scroll down, or click here to participate in the festivities. Also, if anyone out there happens to have video of any of the contestants that isn’t available online, and you wouldn’t mind it being posted, please send it to me at

Hey, thanks for coming, and best of luck beating the heat again tonight!