It's a Montlake Madness Slam Dunk Contest!

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Welcome to the first ever Montlake Madness slam dunk contest!

It’s the hottest day in Seattle history, so let’s check out some redonkulous dunks from the Huskies four newest players, and vote for the best.

Here’s the rules: Watch all four videos — two of them have multiple dunks, but only vote for the one I’m pointing you to. In a couple of days, I’ll post new dunks from the two top votegetters, and we’ll vote once more for the Montlake Madness UW Freshman Slam Dunk Champion.

If this goes well, we’ll do a full-team dunk contest later in the summer. So, take a good look, and cast your votes. And, hey, thanks for coming!

The Redonkulous Dunks:

Clarence Trent: At about 42 seconds into the video, “The Jumpman CT”

Tyreese Breshers: “The Sir Dunkamatic”

C.J. Wilcox: At about 27 seconds into the video, “The Backdoor Smackdown”

Abdul Gaddy: “The Over and Easy”

UPDATE/TECH ISSUES: There seem to be some tech issues with the poll. If you can’t vote below, please leave your vote in the comments section, and we’ll add it to the totals. Thanks!